Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What does the cost of freedom? Who should pay?

After watching the film A Volunteer Army or the Draft?, you are hopefully thinking a little deeper about the issue. I tried to make the connection in class between military service and sacrifice. Certainly most would agree that those that volunteer to serve in our armed forces are making significant sacrifices. So to are their families.

If the coast of freedom must be paid by those willing to sacrifice - to pay the ultimate price - than what obligation does the rest of society have to pitch in and contribute to the cause of securing that freedom? Does citizenship in our country require - if not legally, than morally - some measure of sacrifice?

We talked about society's that have required military service as a condition of citizenship. Should the United States hold its citizens to a similar standard? What would be the advantages and disadvantages of compulsory military service? Think beyond personal advantages and disadvantages. Consider the impact on society as a whole - positive or negative.

Finally, what level of sacrifice would you be willing to endure? What price are you willing to pay to secure the standard of living enjoyed by most Americans?

Remember, keep comments relevant. Keep the debate civil. And, most importantly, have fun!!


Anonymous said...

one of the good things about a volonteer army is the people would have the heart and will to fight however there would alot LESS people. in a draft there alot MORE people to fight but they would be uncoordinated even through training. maybe we should go to the highschools and survey the kids. we could tell them the benefits of the army. i know alt of highschool kids, including my brother, who want to serve their country. they would lay down their life if it meant protecting the citizen's freedom. if not enough people volunteer, then maybe the draft would be a good idea. maybe not for the very unskilled in war but people that atleast already know SOME knowledge. if i was called to war then i would go if it meantprotecting freinds, family and the freedom that makes america a unique country.

Anonymous said...

sorry alt=alot and there should be a few more spaces in there somewhere

Anonymous said...

sorry alt=alot and there should be a few more spaces in there somewhere

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree with Tanner a little bit. Having a volunteer army is great! Atleast, we would know that the people have a heart to to go and fight for their country. our society pitchs in and contributes alot to secure freedom. We supply all of the ammunition, food, clothings and things like that to go towards our troops. The society also has individual army's to protect that state or city in case of an attack. We have police, firefighters, SWAT and people like that to secure us. We also have the government to secure our freedom. Our citizenship does require some sacrifice. We sacrifice a lot of things each and everyday. In my opinion, I think that we should not have a cumpolsary army. Some advantages are we would have more people to protect our country. Some disadvantages are people wouldn't want to fight, we wouldn't have a good established army, becaue the people would be forced to fight when they don't want to.
Tot ell the truth, I am one of those person's who would NEVER go into the war. If we had a draft, I would rather go to jail, or move to another country! I really wouldn't know how I would sacrifice myself for the war. I could support them by sending them letters, money, ammunition, ect. But, I wouldn't really go out and fight.
The price I am willing to pay to secure the standard living enjoyable by most Americans is protest. If something happens that effets are freedom, I would be willing to protest. People might think, oh boy prtotest big deal! People get shot, killed,bombed ect. for protesting. So, that is a big deal!
Even though, I am not the person who would go into the war under any circomstansises, I still care about this country. I could do ALMOST anything to protect it. Depending on what it is. But, still I love this country. No matter what, I think we should have an all-volunteer army. We would get more people to join becuase it would be out of love!

Anonymous said...

Oh sorry for any typos. OH and sorry for Deanne E, I meant to put Deanne R. :). But, atleast my middle name starts with E. ha ha ha :)

Anonymous said...

I think a volunteer army is a good idea. The people are more selective (in better mental and physical conditions) and have the will to fight in the war.
The disadvantages of an compulsory military service are that people might not be in a good mental and physical conditions and they won't have the will to fight. The advantages are that there will be more people in the army.
I would only give my life for something I believe in.

Unknown said...

I think we should serve our country because that shows that you are a bold ciitizen. But i also think people should chose whether to go or not. If they drafted us though i would freak out and be like "ahh, im gonna die" and I would like move to another country. Even though there are consequences that go along with the all-vlounteer force we should enpower the idea by advertising and giving people the right idea about the military.

Anonymous said...

wow, a lot of people say that an all volunteer force is better but, i see pros and cons to both.
Originally i had thought that a volunteer force would be good too. Which it would be if enough people joined in. Then I talked with a family friend who served in the Vietnam War for a while (i think!) and he is completely for an all draft war. He says that when people are drafted all they are really thinking about is going home to their families so they come, do what the need to do (normally fight for 2-3 years) then get to go home and be done with it. This way there are a lot more people that will do whatever they have to get done and go home. I had never really thought about it that way so I guess that would work but I really wouldn’t like to worry about getting a phone call in the middle of the night saying “I chose you to be drafted to war!!! get dressed, go to the airport and your flight will be waiting for you.”
If I was drafted, which women aren’t now, thank god, I would go and fight in war. Not saying that I would love it, because I really would hate it but I would rather serve my country than live in a jail cell the rest of my life.

Zaneta said...

I agree with Savannah that both volunteer and draft armies would have pros and cons. I mean a volunteer army would be somewhat better than a draft if there was a lot of people in the army because the people are willing to fight and they are willing to risk there lives for our freedom. But if there were only a few then the army would fall into pieces and then the United States would end up issuing a draft. Also in a volunteer army most people do not know anyone in the army so most of us would not care if some Iraq person dropped a bomb on a army base and killed many U.S soldiers the people would only care unless a family member or a friend had been in the army. A draft may have a lot of people but these people would not be willing to do the same things as the volunteer army would. Most people in a draft would fight but not for a cause. On the plus side the draft would have more people in the army so it would have more people pay attention to the news a lot more than in a volunteer army. Also a draft would be weird to the Americans today because when we think of America we think of it as a place where we have the freedom to do almost anything. If we were to issue a draft again then it would look as if America is taking away some of our freedom and people would start moving away some people would question our freedom.

I also agree with Deanne, I am not the type of person to go to war but I would do anything to make up for it. I mean I could go to Iraq and be like Molly Pitcher in the American Revolution and be like an aide to the soldiers, but I would not fight. I am willing to do certain things for my country because I care for my country.

Anonymous said...

A volunteer army is a great thing have.To be able to get to choose to fight or not is what America is all about; the freedom of getting to choose. But when our country is getting short on military because not enough people are volunteering then the draft comes in hand. I just hope we don't ever have to get to the draft because my daddy might be sent into war. Whenever we (teens)get to the age of eighteen we will have to make a choice. I love my country and the freedoms we have! I don't think that I praise God enough for all those people that have died, (or have gotten injured) for the people who gave everything to give us the freedom that we have. I agree with Deanne E.ha ha lol:) i don't think that I would ever going into the military unless it was DESPERATE times. So were I stand is we need the volunteer army but if it's not enough and we desperately need an army we should consider the draft

Zaneta said...

hey tom i no why there could be superbowl history 2night! cause if the pistons win then they would of won 7 times!

Anonymous said...

Just to let everyone know that if a draft was instituted my daddy would already be on his way to war, he probably would be fighting right now.

Anonymous said...

ok first of all, tom shut up and go away! the cardinals are cool but seriously. i agree with savannah on this one. serving in the army would be better than being in jail and all that. i also agree with breanna for the first sentence. after that not so much. if we dont fight to preserve the freedom of america, then the country wouldn't be free. and thats what makes america AMERICA!

Anonymous said...

I think it does require some sacrifice because if we don't fight, we will lose a lot of things. But a draft would be worse than a volunteer army except in need of emergencies. A draft army will have a lot of people that don't want to be there. Those people will mess around and not listen. Nobody will pay attention and a lot of people will die. A volunteer army would be much better. Those people there will have the heart and desire to be there and fight for their country. They won't mess around and they will listen and fight as hard as they can. If that doesn't happen, then the draft will affect the economy. The country would be in debt because they have to borrow a lot of money from people messing up everything...

Unknown said...

I agree with Savannah because an all-volunteer army has its pros and cons but so does a conscription. if we have an all-volunteer army there will be no evaders and the people will have the will to fight, not just fighting because they have to. but if we have a conscription we will have more people but less of a will to fight. The cost of freedom are lives money and power. the people who should pay are the people who are trying to take our freedom away. GOOOOOOOOOOOOO STEELERS WooT !