Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Eminent Domain: What do you think?

I hope you all enjoyed the lesson on eminent domain. I think you all learned quite a bit, and hopefully you've already gone home and shared with your families what you've learned about this important issue. I hope that understand that anyone can be affected by this government "tool." Now I want you to sound off – I want to know what you think. Here's a little something to get you started:

"This is America. This is a country with free enterprise. You have all the rights to own your property, your own home, your own business. You have the right to build your American dream."

"The use of eminent domain is a delicate tool, but it is a tool and it helps keep a community clean; it helps keep a community vibrant. It's a good tool and, definitely, I don't think it should be taken away."

These are quotes by two of the people interviewed in the film Unintended Consequences: Eminent Domain. Use them to get your thoughts rolling. Does eminent domain have a role to play in our communities? What should government do to protect private property rights? What can we do as citizens to ensure that these rights are protected? I don't expect you to answer the questions directly (but you may as part of your thought process). These questions are intended to help you think about the issue.

This will be an open forum, which means your comments should post immediately. Do not copy the thoughts of those that post before you, but you can certainly work off of them. That means that you can comment on a comment – you can disagree, agree, or just comment on the thoughts of someone else – but give me your ideas.

Here are few links:
An interesting story from CBS News

Your comments must be posted by the of Sunday, March 15.


Zaneta said...

Yeah! I am the first one!!!! Anyway that video really got me thinking about eminent domain. I mean I think that eminent domain should still be used just with a limit. The video had gave us an example of how bad eminent domain has gotten and how money-hungry the government can get. I think that eminent domin should be used for schools, hospitals, and things that are used to help the community grow, (unlike parking lots for Mercedez Benz dealer, hint hint). I also think that the person who is getting there land torn down should have a say in what they are bullding and if they should leave there home/buisness.

I am going to use the Mercadez Benz thing as an example. I think that the owner should have had a right in whether or not he sould of had to give up his property. I also think that if he did have to sell it then he should have been given a reasonable amount of money becasue he just lost his business, also because most of the time the people who have to give up there property becasue of eminent domain do not get just compinsation (they get the governments version of just compinsation which is like half of what it should be! cough cough money-hungry government). Well that is what I think of eminent domain. By the way.... I WAS FIRST SO HAHA!

Unknown said...

Zaneta, most everything you said was true. I don't think the government should take peoples' private property unless it is for sure a public use. Such as a school, library, or park. I don't think it should be used for things that MIGHT bring in more tax revenue. Such as that Mercades parking lot. That is not for a public use. The man who owned the restaurante has worked there his whole life and has put in alot of hard work. Also like he said in the video, if the government used eminent domain to take his property his employees would have no jobs. Zaneta is also right about how much more eminent domain is going now than ever. I think that now that cities know they can pretty much just take peoples' property, they can use it to their own advantage. I also believe that the peoples' houses that are being taken away are not getting nearly as much money for their homes as they should. I think people should charge exactly what they bought it for, since it's their property that is being taken away. And another thing, in the video it didn't look like some of the properties that had been taken by the government werent even being used. They were just empty lots. I don't understand why the city or buisnees would go to all the trouble to take someone's property and not use. Well, anyhoo, I hope my house does not get taken by emeinent domain in the future. Or ever actually. :)

Zaneta said...

thanks for agreeing with me Ophelia! And what you said is true to.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I agree with Ophelia. Eminent Domain plays an important part of our communities. The video showed me that eminent domain is an important part because it affects people everyday. People should get a chose if they want to sell or not if it isn't for public use.

Unknown said...

You know what. It is kind of interesting how back when the Constitution was being written, The founding fathers thought of all these ways people would have equal rights and everything. im not sure they would be very happy to learn that eminent domain isn't the same as how they wanted it to be. Especially about the just compensation thing. Honestly, I don't think eminent domain should be used at all unless a certain community absolutely needs something like a hospital or school. And like I have said many times the person's land that they are using should be paid fairly. Back to what Zaneta said, I also believe that the person's land that is being taken should have a say in what goes there! You know what Im saying. If that man that might have his restaurant taken away, Im sure he would want to know that it went to a good cause. Not a parking lot.

Unknown said...

Gracias for agreeing with me Carolin.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Zaneta and Ophilia! After, watching the video I realized eminent domain was wrong! I think that they couldl possibly use it, but with certain limitations. For example, in the video a man who owned his shop for 30 or so years had to loose it becuase of eminent domain! The bad thing about it was, it was for a little parking lot! ARE YOU SERIOUS?
I think that eminent domain happens very seldom in Tallahassee. I know stores close down and get replaced but most of it is becuase they can't afford it or they don't get enough customers. If eminent domain happened in my community, I would have to fight it becuase it isn't a fair right. Everyone always says everyone and everything should be equal and everyone has their own rights of property, liberty, and more. If that is true, than why is there eminent domain? I really don't get that. If we have to right to own property, why would the government just take it down and replace it with something useless. The only expections to eminent domain is if it went to something urgent or necessary. LIke hospitals, schools, churches or things like that. NOT PARKING LOTS!
The government should make a law to protect private property. This law should state that, NO ONE can take anyone's private property unless it is in need of a dying emergency! They should then list what kind of emergencies it would be. If they protected our right to have private property I think people would like the government more!
IN order to make sure our rights are protected we should always protest if something happens. Not silly little petitions but actual protesting. As in, going on the front steps of the building were the government people work! We could also prove tem wrong by bringing out the laws and the constitution and giving them a taste of their own medicine.
Overall, I think eminent domain shouldn't be used at all. Escpecially if you are taking property of regulary citizens, and that I mean their homes!

Unknown said...

Yeah Deanne is right about businesses going out of business, but not from eminent domain.

Unknown said...

I think the way the government is useing eminet domain now is not fair. Just because some other place can pay more money for your lots does not mean that they should take away your house. But I do agree that if the comuntie needa a school or something like that then they could take your house away. But the government says that they will give you a fair amount of money for your land they are taking. But once they buy the land frome you they can sell it for even more money. I think that is not fair to the first owners.

Anonymous said...

Eminent domain has a huge role in todays society. But I think it isn't fair for the government to take your house and/or your property because it makes more of a tax income, to a certain degree. I also think that eminent domain is also good for some reasons. Such as, needing schools or making roads and improving them is necessary. But if the government says they will pay a fair amount of money for property, and they don't, they would be conducting a activity that is unconstitutional in my mind. I think the government should be told a fair amount of money from the property owner for buying their land to a certain degree. This is only so it would be fair for the owner of the property and the government.

Anonymous said...

I think everybody makes a valid point:) can you imagine what it would be like for the government to show up at your doorstep oneday after skool and tell you to pack up your stuff and leave by tomorrow? then also relize that your business is going to be taken by eminent domain too, wow that is awful. I completly agree with Zaneta's phrase "money-hungry" to describe the government. i belive if you are paying your bills you should be able to keep your home and/ or business. The government should NOT be allowed to take a person's home and give it to another private owner just because the private owner has more money that they government can take.

Anonymous said...

eminent domain could do two things. it could completly destroy and violate peoples rights. or it could be use to improve a community and promote the wellbeing of the citzens of said community. there is a thin line between right and wrong on a thing like eminent domain. it NEEDS to be used properly! going to someone and saying "whats up, im taking your house" is wrong, but when said and performed in the correct way people could get away with it. it seems like eminent domain "users" have gotten a little out of hand. they've abused the power to use it. they've bent it to where they can get the property just by going through the motions. my mom is all to familiar with eminent domain. she works for the state in buying and selling land. she dealt with an eminant domain case before. it also seems like people are only looking at the cons for eminent domain. like the whole resturant thing, and the kelo case. eminent domain has been use in the past for good things. however lately the gov. has used it not as a helpful tool of the people, but as aweapon in their own arsonal to use for some personal gain. money-hungry if you will. sorry for any typos, and goodnight!

Anonymous said...

When our " founding fathers" came up with the idea of Eminent Domain they did not think too deep of what the defect of it could be. Originally I thought it was an okay idea; only if it was a fair two way street. Example: if the government was going to take away your propety you should get back the amount you bought it for or you should get to choose where you wanted your new house or property to be. When the government takes your propety and sells, or gives it to a private owner for their personal interest isn't that kind of like stealing.

Anonymous said...

When eminent domain was created it was to be used to help communities, but now the government has used it to bring revenue to the state. I believe that the founding fathers had good intentions but today's government has abused it. I think eminent domain was a good idea gone wrong.
PS. Sorry I am late.

Unknown said...

I think eminent domain is a good thing when it is used for the right thing, not for tax purposes but for roads and schools. The owner of the property should state the price though, but the price needs to be reasonable. I think that if the government is taking your property without permission then you should get to state the price you want. the government should have a limit on how much property they take, like Zaneta said. The owner should also have to agree with what the government is building.