Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Has the "Dream" been realized?

During this third week of January 2009, we both celebrate history and witness history in the making. On Monday, we celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – remembering the contributions of the civil rights leader. In his most famous speech, delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., King spoke of his dream – a dream of racial equality. He spoke at a time when African Americans suffered indignities such as being refused service in restaurants, being forced to ride in the back of public buses, to drink from black only water fountains, and much more. While our country has made great strides in the areas of race relations and racial equality, few can deny that racism still exist – in some areas of the country more than others.

It’s fitting around this time of year to reflect on MLK’s life and work. One question that we often ask is whether or not his dream has been realized. Have we come far enough? Have the barriers to racial equality been torn down sufficiently enough? If King was alive today (he would be 80-years-old this year), would he be satisfied with the progress that has been made? Has King’s dream been realized?

It is, perhaps, especially fitting to ask these questions this year. On Tuesday, one day after MLK Day, our nation’s first African American president was sworn into office. It was not very long ago that it would have been difficult to find someone who believed that this historic event would happen anytime soon. For many it must seem like a huge leap forward for African Americans. Is it? Does the election of Barack Obama signal the achievement of King’s dream? Regardless of who you supported in our last election, you cannot ignore that history has been made. Is the election of Barack Obama an achievement for all African Americans? Does he represent the “Dream” for all Americans of color – black, Hispanic, etc.?

Some have argued that there is no real connection between the election of Obama and the struggles of the average African American. Who’s right, those that see the election of President Obama as a realization of Martin Luther King’s dream, or those that feel we still have a long way to go?

What do you think? Avoid simple answers. Give me real thought. Read the comments of those posting before you. Come back after you post, and continue to keep up with additional posts until the deadline. I want a real conversation. Invite your parents to read the blog, and they can even comment. Enjoy!

Note: I'm including both King's "I Have a Dream" speech and Obama's inaguaral address.


Unknown said...

Hahahahah!!! Sorry made a typo. I think the dream has been realized by the people that really care and are really into it. Such as black people(Im not hating on black people, their cool). I think it depends on the person's attitude!

De'Erica said...


De'Erica said...

I agree with you a little bit Ophelia

Unknown said...

Thanks Dee Culver! That a funny name! Darya go blog somewhere else!

Unknown said...

By the way Im kinda glad Obama won the election cause he seems like he really wants to have a positive effect on the country! Im still kinda debating whether MLK and BO have a relationship(not like that). Obama didnt have to really worry about sgregation and stuff while campaighning.

Anonymous said...

I missed school Tuesday, becuase of Inauguration, but I checked the calendar for blogging. In my opinion, I think that MLK's dream has began to be realized. His dream was that we could all be equal and that one day African American's could do the same things whites do, like run for President. But, still there is some racism going on, but it is still the beginning, it is a HUGE start! The barriers of racial equality have been half way torn down. We still have a little way to og. We have seen a big change since King said his speech. If King were here this day, he would be GREATLY happy for this country. He would so how much progress we have made since he was alive. But, as he lays in his grave he is watching over us, and is proud of what the country has accomplished! I think that African Americans are now inspired to do more risky things now that we/they have an example. Barack Obama was a huge inspiration to kids, adults, and elderly. He has changed humanity! So, yes it has been a huge leap for African Americans. Obama's achievment does signal King's dream. He made a huge achievment which was a main portion of what king wanted. Also, in my opinion I think that Obama respresents all of us African Americans. He does represent all of us. He shows that no matter what race you are, you can do anything! Not only does he represent that blacks can do anything but also hispanics, asians, africans ect. He is not just African American, Barack is biracial! So, yes he represents all races. But, this is just the beginning, he have a little way to go, but everyone must start somewhere!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, for any typos or any repeat sentences! :)

Darya said...

Hey Deanne how was inaguration?

Unknown said...

Good start. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Deanne, how was the inauguration? What did it feel like being around 2 million people at once?

Anonymous said...

First I would like to say Deanne you are sooo lucky you got to go!!! I want to see all the pictures that you took!!!Did anyone watch the Inauguration Ball last night? If you did wasn't it amazing?!!!! Michelle's dress was soo pretty! So was Jill's dress and Alicia Keys cut her hair but it looks cute.
Has the dream been realized,.... I say it has. I mean just forty years ago blacks and whites weren't even aloud to be friends or play at the park with each other. Who would have thought that we would even consider the thought that we would have a black president. If it wasn't for Martin Luther King jr. we probaly wouldn't be celebrating a black presiden. To me America has finally woke up(in one thing) and realized what this country SHOULD be about.

Unknown said...

Yeah Deanne ur so lucky. I wish I couldve gone!!!! Hey everybody

Zaneta said...

hey its a little late to ask about the inauguration. but anyway. I agree with deanne about how the racial barrior was broken when Obama was elected president. I mean more people were less racist, i mean there are still racists out there and they feel strongly about what they believe but there are less of them now and we are all able to come together now. I think that MLK had a harder time back then because people were uncomfortable with the taught of blacks and whites together. If you were to go back half a century and tell them that we were going to have a black president they would not believe it because of the racial issues back then. I mean Obama's predidency really made a big leap in our county and MLK would be proud right now. The "dream" has not been fully reached by the world but it has been seen.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Zaneta, the dream has been seen but not fully reached. Also, I agree with Delani that back then none of this would have happened. Delani, you are even a prime exmple with your parents (not to pick on you though)a man marrying a white lady, would have NEVER happened when King was alive. If he was here he would recognize that everything has changed! White and black marriages, white and black children going to school together and being friends, and a black president! The dream is partically there but not fully!

Darya said...

Hi Deanne! Dean you need to blog! not ask how are they doing! JK LOVE YA!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Deanne and Ophelia. Tuesday was an important day for everybody in the world. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream is finally coming true. All people are being treated as equals. It was an important moment in history.
Its good that Obama won the election, because I think he will do a great job helping the financial crisis.

Zaneta said...

all i have to say is that i agree with everyone about the whole idea and DARYA BLOG ON YOUR OWN CLASS!!!

Anonymous said...

After reading everyone's blogs, I don't know if we have come a long way or not because I wasn't around in the 1960s. I decided to ask my dad how it was growing up in a southern state during the 60s. My dad said he actually had several very good friends that were black that he hung out and played with as a young teen. However, there was a double standard in society at that time. The blacks often would have to eat, drink, go to the bathroom, go to school, and travel in areas labeled "Colored". The whites would have areas labeled "White Only". The places and facilities reserved for the whites were always nicer and more accomodating. I can understand why black people would protest because it was simply not fair. Since those days, I feel that almost all of these injustices have been eliminated. I believe that MLK's dream has been achieved even before Obama was elected president. His election was one of the last obstacles that blacks have had to overcome. There will always be prejudiced people that will not like you because you are short, tall, big, thin, ect. We, as a country should work toward eliminating any discrimination in the areas of race, sex, and religion.

Unknown said...

Deanne, you are so lucky to get to go to the anogeration. I wish I could have come with you. Anyways, I think we have come far enough and not far enough on MLK's Dream. We have come far enough because all he wanted was for blacks to be created equal and we have done that. We have not come far enough because there are tons of people that are raices, blacks and whites. If MLK was still here today then he still might be trying to the country out of this problem even if he was old. MLK would probly be very satified with the progress he has made because now everyone is created equal and that is what he wanted. The youtube was great. The "I have a Dream" speach was diferent than I thought. I had no idea that so many people came!!!! MLK was a strong leader and I am very sad that he is gone because if he were here then he would know how much lots of people aperated him. And........... GO OBAMA!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

this sucks i completly just typed like 3-4 paragraphs accidently pressed preveiw then it didn't work and it deleted every thing i am sooo mad!!!!!!!

Zaneta said...

I agree with Jenny that MLK would still be protesting about racism and all that, but he would also be proud that we have come together as one country. I was watching CNN the day after the inauguration, they were talking about Obama's campaign. They said that when he was running for president that he did not consider himself and African American but as a human person just running for president. I think that is how we all should think. I mean, just because our skin is different does not mean that we are different people. I think that that is what MLK was trying to say.

Zaneta said...

sorry about that savannah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the kings dream has been realized because well...
We are not separated any more, and we also have an African American president. So Martin can rest easy knowing that he has done a good job and realized his "Dream".

Anonymous said...

has kings dream been realized? becouse im realy not sure and it cant realy be determined until obamas turm is up because if he turns out to be a good president then yes the dream has been realized but if he turns out to be a bad president(no afence to any Obama suporters)then that could mess up some peoples outlook on blacks im not saying this isint a huge step for blacks but still,the presedent dosent have all the power and if it turns out Obama cant do allot of the things he said he said he would do some people might just asume all blacks are liars. again no affence to Obama fans or blacks im totaly against racisim!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Deanne and Zaneta that Barack Obama has broken the racial barrier. Barack Obama is a great resemble of how whites and blacks have bonded together and how blacks can do anything a white can do with because the color of your skin doesn't matter it's what matter it's the character that matters, just what Martin Luther King said in his "I have a dream" speech. I think Martin Luther King's dream has come true because whites and blacks are equal and have learned to be brothers and sisters and they have reached their expectations and we are all equal. Deanne and Zaneta are some of my best friends and i don't judge them by the color of their skin, they are my friends because they have great personalities and they are really fun to hang around. Luv you guys. GO.........OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i think his dream has been semi-relized, if thats even a word, but anyway, just because a black president has been elected dosent deminish the fact there are racists, in fact there probably will always be racists. yall are right we have come a long way since the 60's, and i think MLK jr. would be pround of everything this counrty has accomplished, but you cant make everyone happy. wow, that was a loooong sentence.

Unknown said...

Let me retype this comment:

i agree with Deanne when she says "The barriers of racial equality have been half way torn down." I believe this because we have come an amazingly long way from the 60's but we still have racial problems. For example, right after Obama was elected i saw 2 white guys on the news that were arrested because they were caught planning to kill Obama. We are not a perfect or flawless country but that is plain out wrong to try to kill anybody because of the color of their skin let alone the pres elect.

Ok back to the point, i think MLK's dream has been accomplished because we have come so far within the last 50 years. We will alawys have those certain "trouble makers" but as a country I hope we will learn to ignore and decrease that amount in the future.

I think it was pretty cool how Dean asked his Dad about life in the 1960's. His dad can give great examples about segregation because he grew up in that time period and witnessed it in action.

I disagree with Ophe when she says that "Obama didnt have to really worry about sgregation and stuff while campaighning," because while their were those that agreed and liked him there was also those who didn't and would have gone to the extent of killing Obama just to not have an African-American president.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Breanna. Barack is a good example to show how far this world has come!

Anonymous said...

I yyeaahh, great point Savannah. Obama did have to deal with segregation and things like that during his campaigning. Believe it or not, but there are still whites who strongly dislike blacks. That is why they had like 5,000 police and a bunch of protection squads, for those type of people who would like to kill Obama and kill blacks!I also agree with Savannah and her whole dilemma.

Anonymous said...

Why should people feel like or even be called racist if we have freedom of speech?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Zaneta for agreeing with me. Breanna had a good idea about Obama being a good example for our country on how far we have come. Also I agree with about three people(three people said this) that Obama has broken a raical barer. Even though there is still raceism in the world, now there is a little bit less and that is a good start.

Anonymous said...

Dean, I think that question doesn't really make sense but I am going to try and answer it! People say that others are racist because of the smart remarks that they say. When we have the freedom of speech, you can say what ever you want to say, but it could still be harsh and kind of racist. Me being an African American, I have dealt with racism in my life a couple of times. Having the freedom of speech isn't always the best thing. Why?, becuase people will say smart remarks that aren't cute. If you know what I mean! :)Hope that answers your question!

Anonymous said...

Deanne made a good point. Freedom of speech is not always a good thing because it can hurt others.

Anonymous said...

i dont think deanne could have said that any better, dean, your lucky

Anonymous said...

deane, i half agree and half disagree because yea freedom of speech can hurt people but still thats not a reason to take it away or diminish it at all. and still if people realy feal that way its isint going to stop them

Unknown said...

You guys have done a good job. There have been some thoughtful comments and conversation. Thanks for that.

I posted a lengthy comment over of the A Period blog asking whether or not King's Dreamed that racism would end completely, or that equality would be achieved. Or are the two the same? I invite you to go over and read it.

I appreciate David's desire to protect free speech. Speech can be hurtful, but a lack of free speech may hurt more.

Anonymous said...

i agree with ophelia and that how dr martin luther king had a huge impact on how america is today and if he was still alive he would be proud and have a feeling of accomplishment

Anonymous said...

I didn't say to not have freedom of speech. I WANT THAT! You probably took it in the wrong way. I was just saying why freedom of speech can be hurtful but not to deminish it!

Tyler B. said...

Everytime you hear your parents say "stay in school" you think small of it. But when you hear the president say it it usually will have a bigger affect on you. The reason why this happens is because the president cares alot about helping schools. If someone that big would care that much about you it makes fell good and it makes you want to do better in school.

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