Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What do you think?

On Monday, you had the assignment of defending a position that was given to you. Rather then give your own opinion or come to your own decision, I told you what you believe. Now it's your turn. I want to know what you think.

Based on what you learned through the readings, as well as through the class presentations, what do you think should be the direction of U.S. policy toward the terrorist threat? Feel free to use some of the positions proposed in our four options, or come up with ideas of your own.

As with the presentations, remember that your argument will be more convincing if back up by evidence.

I encourage everyone to engage in dialogue with your classmates. Please keep the exchanges respectful.

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Kathryn Brooks said...

I think that Option 3 would probably work the best because the government would be able to prevent a terrorist attack and defend America instead of spending billions of dollars overseas.

Sean O'Meara said...

I thiink that option 4 is the besst because it will make the terrorist stop attacking us because we move our troops out and move all anti social behavior

Unknown said...

Sean - Option 4, addressing the root causes of terrorism - includes more than just pulling out our troops. Likewise, it not only our troops in the Middle East that has lead radicals to attack us. What other aspects of this option would lead to a safer America?

Unknown said...

Kathryn - How exactly? Does this mean that by keeping our troops engaged in fighting overseas over the past 10 years has done little to prevent attacks here at home? What specific things - in implementing Option 3 - would prevent another 9/11 style attack?

Donovan Duchene said...

Option 3 would work best, because it focuses on defending the U.S. instead of attacking other countries. When we invade countries harboring terrorist, it only makes them hate us more, and causes more terrorism towards the U.S. But if we focused on defending ourselves, we would have beter chances of stopping terrorist, and we wouldn't cause as much terrorism toward us.

Natalie K. said...

hey im from 3rd period

I agree with your ideas but not 100% because if we just stay in our countries we wont solve the problem compleetely because terrorism is not just in the us its all over the world and we will hade to make alys with other countries to win the war of terror in the long run and it would also be almost impossible to stop terrorism all by our lonsome.

Michaela M. said...

I do not agree with Donovan because if we only focus on protecting America, it won't stop terrorism. It wouldn't really get rid of it. Also Donovan, if we focus completly on security we would have to take away MANY people's rights. I think we should go out and try to stop terrorism, but not go insane to the point where we are risking American's rights. If we start to take away people's rights, even for short time, then they might be afraid that they wont get them back and the might freak out and go INSANE.

Kyya Smith said...

I agree with Michaela, we should not just try to focus on protecting America we need to try to stop terrorism from happening at all. We should do this by giving them some of there needs, by needs i do not mean weapons like boms and things that they can use to attack the U.S, but things that can help them get out of poverty, and things that can help support their countries, like donations of food, and medicine and things that can help them. Also if we only focus on protecting America terrorist will become even madder because they know that we will not help them we will just continue to save America and have better sources of protection. This means that Americans will have to give up there rights and Americans will become also mad with the U.S and everything will start to go wrong.

Robin Rodriguez said...

I think that we should work with other countries to stop terrorism, because we're not alone. We have worked with other countries in both of the World Wars,and our allies wouldn't have had a good of chance as winning without our help, and vice versa. We should respect law, but at the same time, we can't check every single thing we do or say before making a move to help, because sometimes the ideas that are the best to solve a problem, have problems working with every single law out there. We can't just protect our country but not do anything overseas, because just by protecting our country isn't going to stop terrorism abroad.

Lexi Harkness(: said...

My honest opinion is that option 1 is the most affective on this issue. not just because it was my grups option, but because i think it would really work. we need to respect international law, but we can't go over the top with protectiveness. also, i think the U.S. needs to take terrorism into it's own hands in order to stop choaos that might be waiting to happen.

Michaela M. said...

But Kyya, if we give them things to get out of poverty, that would have to include money. America doesn't have the same money that we used to have. Even if we give countries that have a large number of terrorists in them, then the government of that counrty may be threatened or harmed by terrorists, so that the terrorists can use that money to buy harmful things that could hurt the U.S. Plus, even if we give those countries that money, the terrorists still would hate us no matter what we do.

Natalie K. said...

hi im from 3rd period

i think that finding diplomatic solutions for the war of terror is an excelent idea because we will lose less live for everyone including other nations because like one of the cartoons that mr. V showed us "we are not the only ones in the world and we should not just care how many americans have died we should care abought how many innocent people we have killed in our reclas attacks trying to kill terrorists on the spot without even caring if there are innocent people there."

Just to give you an idea of my perspective of this.

immagine, you are living in iraq its a normal day your going out to get water and suddenly everything you ever had everyone you ever loved is gone all because of abought 5 people that just happened to be "SUSPECTED" terrorists in your village and it was the USA's fault that this happened because they chose to kill innocent people to try to kill 5 or 6 out of the thousands of "SUSPECTED" terrorists.Then after all that they have done they expect you to help them finnish the war.

when you think about it from that perspective wouldent you be mad at the US?

Lydia Rykard said...

Well, I think all the countries should get together and try to end terrorism, because if there is only one country trying to stop terrorism. Then terrorism is never going to end. While following the international law. Also, option 3 would work the best, because it mainly focuses on defending the U.S. Also, we don't need to just focus on protecting ourselves, because then that wouldn't be ending terrorism its just protecting ourselves.

Caroline Kuhl >:) said...

Option 1 all the way!!! By taking terrorism by the horns we'll show that we aren't afraid but also that we cant tollerate it. We should still put up defenses in America but giving money to terrorists is just wrong it shows that we can be bullied and are cowards. The terrorist would think that we can be over thrown and everything, I believe the only country we should be giving money to is Greece (and china cause we owe them big time).

Donovan Duchene said...

Michaela, yes we cant just focus on defense. I thought we should use all of the options, because they would work best if we use them all together. But I didnt want to post that earlier, so I picked the option I thouhgt was best.

Kyya S. :) said...

Yes Michaela you are right, the U.S does not have alot of money as it used to, if we give the countries that have a large amount of terrorist in them they probably will attack the gov. to get the money, and no matter what terrorist will still hate the U.S. But if we can not help get a little percentage of money to those countries gov., we can still try to help those countries with giving them the medicine or food they need. We can do this by a very simple prosess which is by having donations of canned food (like ones we have at our school to help charities) or anything else that can help them. Also terrorist will still hate use but if we do some of these things they will know that the U.S is trying to help, and mabe even shorten how much they attack the U.S and even other countries. If different countries help, Terrorist will learn that we are trying to help and they might even put a stop to terrorism.

Lydia rykard said...

I agree with Michaela, we shouldn't just focus on protecting ourselves we should try to end terrorism.

Michael B. said...

I think that Defending the Homeland is the best then we would be ready for an attack. And terrorists shouldn't attack us because we wouldn't attack them. And we wouldn't have to make soldiers go overseas and die. We should only attack them if they invade us with thousands of people.