Monday, August 29, 2011

Why study civics?

As promised, this post will mostly serve as a way to learn the blogging process. Read your way through this post, then click on the comment link below and leave your comment. For this first blogging session, I'll only expect you to leave one comment.

So, here goes.

In your opinion, is it important that we study civics in middle school? Why or why not?


Michael Burns said...

I think it is important to study Civics in middle school because we will learn about important documents like the Declaration of Independence, Constitution. Also important things about US politics and government.

Kathryn Brooks said...

It's important to study civics in middle school so you have the foundation to be a good citizen when you are old enough to make your own decisions. It also gives you a better understanding of how the U.S. works.

Robin Rodriguez said...

I think it's important to study Civics in middle school because it's never too early to learn how our government works, about American history, or events going on in the world. You can't just wait until you're 18 to learn about our government, or world events.

Donovan Duchene said...

I think its important to study civics because it teaches you about America and how our government works. It also teaches us how to be a good and productive citizen in our comminity, nation, and world.

Natalie K. :B said...

hi I'm from 3rd period and i agree with Michael but i also think that civics is more about learning about the more present history that is now being made.

Natalie K. :B said...

i also think that i disagree partly with all of you because civics is not just about america it is about what is going on in other parts of the world currently.

Kyya Smith said...

I think it is impotant to study civics in middle school because it helps you learn about ur country and state that you live in. It also help's you learn about your government,america,and many more interesting things. Learning civics is also important to study in middle school because it will help you in the future.

Demi :D said...

HEY 2nd period!!! I also agree with Natalie and I think that what you all are saying is right but its more than just American history. Its whats going on in the world, the issues, the wars, the successes and things like that

Sean O'Meara said...

I think it is important for people to learn about civics. You learn about what is happening around the world and what has happened.

Lexi Harkness said...

Civics is AMAZING! but only with Mr.Veliz because Mr.Veliz is cool!!!! but yes i think civics is actually a pretty important subject to teach in school. It's just like American history, except....different in some way. It provides great info. on the wars, world events, the government, and other important things.(:

Caroline Kuhl said...

It's important to learn civics because knowing whats happening in the world is important to me. It is also good to know the laws and not to break them but i think that its wrong to be murdering and stealing is a pretty universal term. America's government is important to civics but its not the only thing, like the poster in Mr. Veliz's room where it only shows the U.S. on the globe and underneath it says really creepily "We are not alone." Creepy......

Michaela M. said...

I think it is important to study civics in middle school so that when we grow up we will know how to be a good citizen and will know how to take care of the country. Also we need to learn it so we know how our government works and was formed. It also helps us know what is going on in other parts of the world, and last we need to know it so we can protect our rights that we fought so hard for.

Lydia Rykard said...

Yes,it is important to study civics in middle school, because you have to learn all about the government and U.S. history to be able to make it though life. If you never learn civics,then when your older your just going to be clueless about the world. Also, you need to know how the government works and you need to study civics so you know what the privileges are of being a citizen.

Kelsey Othling said...

Hey! I'm from 4th Period but this is what I said, "I think middle school is a great time to start learning civics! Think about what would happen without it! Nobody would be aware of the importants events and debates going around the world that could actually change our lives. We even get a look about how our governments run and even some American History. With civics, we can learn about citizenship. Americans take for granted their rights and freedom. Why not learn more about it so we can make the right desicions in life?" Thanks for listening!!!!!!!!!

Kathryn Brooks said...

Yeah I agree with all of you that it's not just about America, it's what is happening currently all over the world.

Kathryn Brooks said...

I also agree w/ what Lexi said about civics being cool b/c Mr. Veliz is cool! :D

Michael Burns said...

I agree with everyone else that said thats its also about whats occuring in other countries too.

Lydia Rykard said...

Yeah, I totally agree with everybody! Civics is really important in the world. It's like maybe if we didn't have civics then how would people be able to elect the government and stuff, because they didn't know anything about it. Yeah, anyways Mr.Veliz rocks!!!!!!!!:DDD

Kyya S. said...

I also agree with Natalie K. because civics is a very important subject, but it is not what is happening just in America but things happening all around America. Civics is also important to study because it will help you learn world issues. :) :D

Michael B. said...

Civics is Awesome and super important like everyone else has been saying.

Marci Smith said...

Studying Civics is very important! I feel it creates a sense of pride in your country to study the documents that America was built on and it also ignites as a sense of responsibility that each American has to be involved and informed on current events.

Michael B. said...

Who is Marci Smith?

Kevin Mino said...

I personally believe that we should study civics to better understand the American society and be able to fully understand the lessons we are being taught in our class.

Kevin Mino said...

Thank you very much for your cooperation.