Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Slavery: Old News or Relevant History?

I hope that you all found today's activity on slavery informative and eye-opening. But does it really matter that we study stuff like this? Some would question whether or not it is wise to dig up this awful part on our nation's history. Why not put it out of our minds and just move forward? I suppose we can ask that question about all of history. That would not be good news for a history teacher!

We've discussed how Southern plantation owners may have justified their involvement in the institution of slavery. A good case can be made that without slavery the economy of the Southern colonies - and later the Southern United States - would have crumbled. Howard Dodson, writing about the importance of slavery to the cotton trade in 1800s America, says "the slavery system in the United States was a national system that touched the very core of its economic and political life." He goes on to describe how the institution of slavery was interwoven into virtually every part of the U.S. economy at the time:

Each plantation economy was part of a larger national and international political economy. The cotton plantation economy, for instance, is generally seen as part of the regional economy of the American South. By the 1830s, "cotton was king" indeed in the South. It was also king in the United States, which was competing for economic leadership in the global political economy. Plantation-grown cotton was the foundation of the antebellum southern economy.

But the American financial and shipping industries were also dependent on slave-produced cotton. So was the British textile industry. Cotton was not shipped directly to Europe from the South. Rather, it was shipped to New York and then transshipped to England and other centers of cotton manufacturing in the United States and Europe.

As the cotton plantation economy expanded throughout the southern region, banks and financial houses in New York supplied the loan capital and/or investment capital to purchase land and slaves.

Recruited as an inexpensive source of labor, enslaved Africans in the United States also became important economic and political capital in the American political economy. Enslaved Africans were legally a form of property—a commodity. Individually and collectively, they were frequently used as collateral in all kinds of business transactions. They were also traded for other kinds of goods and services.

The value of the investments slaveholders held in their slaves was often used to secure loans to purchase additional land or slaves. Slaves were also used to pay off outstanding debts. When calculating the value of estates, the estimated value of each slave was included. This became the source of tax revenue for local and state governments. Taxes were also levied on slave transactions.

Politically, the U.S. Constitution incorporated a feature that made enslaved Africans political capital—to the benefit of southern states. The so-called three-fifths compromise allowed the southern states to count their slaves as three-fifths of a person for purposes of calculating states' representation in the U.S. Congress. Thus the balance of power between slaveholding and non-slaveholding states turned, in part, on the three-fifths presence of enslaved Africans in the census.

(from National Geographic News)

So were Southern plantation owners right? Was the future of the United States - and the survival of the colonies before that - critical enough to justify slavery? Obviously, we have decided as a nation - as late as it was - that slavery was an evil institution and a regrettable part of our past. So should slavery be remembered as a necessary evil? If so, then how can it we get past the fact that African slaves were forced against their will to be at the center of this horrible history.

Today you heard the horrors that Africans had to endure from the moment they were captured. Hopefully, for a few minutes you tried to put yourself in Kunte's shoes - as impossible as that is.

So after reading above about how important slavery was to the economy of our country's early years and after considering what we heard and felt in class, how do you think the United States would be different today if the slavery in North America never existed? Would there have ever been a United States? Would the United States have been better off without slavery? If we decide that slavery was important enough to forgive early Americans for, then we should consider what Lincoln said:
Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.
That's probably a good test to apply to ourselves whenever we argue for anything!!

Remember, keep your comments and debate respectful. Be thoughtful!!


chase s said...

i think relevant because why should people be treated differently because people have different skin colors. GET OFF YOUR LAZY BUTT AND DO YOUR OWN FARMING PEOPLE!!!

Nicolas said...

i defiantly agree with chase an that slavery was very real and relevent to us as a country and as a people it impacts on a daily basis and it was only a couple generations agowhich is terrifying and confusing at the same time

zachery E. said...

I think slavery is Relevant because people are still treated becuase of thier skins and other types of things and slaverly still exists today too in certain countries.

Zach D. said...

I think that if slavery hadn't happened back then, our country would be completely different. Slavery plays an important part of current day U.S. because if it didn't happen, we might have it today. Although it was a terrible thing, people need to realize it happened then, so we wouldn't have to deal with it now. I'm glad that all these terrible things happened in the past, because we know how terrible things were back then, and how great things are now in comparison.

Jake S. said...

I think slavery is relevant because it's not right to treat people different because of thier skin color that's just cruel. I think that people shouldn't make slaves do stuff when they can do it thierselves. IT'S JUST WRONG!

Kyle P. said...

I agree with Zach D. I think slavery was important to our country's development and the colonial economy. The economic boost from slaves may have been the necessary thing to produce enough revenue to fund the revolutionary war against England. Without slavery, it is possible that we could be under British rule. If people did not use slavery then, it may have happed later in history such as in our era, or in a future generation. It was really important that people realized it's effects or we might be dealing with slavery today. It is extremely relevant to today because it still exists in the world and impacts how our country is run today.

Zach C. said...

I agree with Zach that this country would have been different, and we know it is wrong but that is what life is all about, hardships. But look at it this way how many people we have in the U.S. today that are not of the same skin color as our founding fathers, Barak Obama the first African American President, Martin Luther King Jr. stoped racisim all over the United States, Jackie Robinson the first African American in the Major Leagues. These people are what started the new generation of this country, they broke the color barrier and did not let smack talk bring them down. Humans make mistakes, just because this was a very BIG mistake it still is what shaped our country today.

Lauren L said...

I think it is relevant history because it really impacts our lives. I am glad that we had it back then instead of now because we can look at life and see how great it is compared to when slavery was here. I also feel sad for the people who had to get beaten to death and being owned by other people. Today people are getting hurt or judged because of their skin color, and I personally think it is wrong to do that because we are all humans and no one is better than another.

Jake S. said...

In my opinion what those plantation owners did to all those slaves causing some to die and leaving some in bad condition was very bad.

Unknown said...

I think it is relevant history because it really impacts our lives. I am glad that we had it back then instead of now because we can look at life and see how great it is today, compared to when slavery was here. I also feel sad for the people who had to get beaten to death and being owned by other people. Today people are getting hurt or judged because of their skin color, and I personally think it is wrong to do that because we are all humans and no one is better than another.

Grace W. said...

The United States would be VERY different from what it's like now if slavery was still going on today. If it was still going on then they would be doing all the yard work, cooking and all other things like that. And think about all the friends you have that are African-Americans. They would be slaves today too.

Zach D. said...

I think what Grace said should be taken to thought. If it wasn't resolved, many of our friends wouldn't be allowed at school. They wouldn't be allowed to read, write, or object to anything their owners said.

But, you need to think about it from the owner's point of view. They think that someone to do all their work for them is great. Don't we all want someone else to do our work for us? I think so. It's fine in the sense of someone else doing your work, but we've developed it to a point that they are treated as equals and we pay them for their work.

Bdood said...

(Relevant History) slavery still affects us today, its puts a dent in american history. And not long ago slavery continued with Hitler so its wrong how they judged people on belief and color.

Allison B said...

I agree with Zach D completely. Our country WOULD be way different if slavery hadn't have happened. I think it is wrong. People judging other people because of the way they look. But people still do that. Kids judge other kids by how they dress. I think it wouldn't matter if slavery hadn't started in the first place.

Robert said...

I concur with Chase, slavery was a relevant problem in United states in the past and other countries now. the way African,and NATIVE AMERICAN, not Indian(on this continent at least)slaves were treated wildly infuriates me. but i understand why the colonists imported slaves. the southern states had larger plantations compared to smaller farms in the north, the southern colonists had to either have less farms and more people working on them or have more, family run farms with slaves working the plations. but still couldn't they had just done something like slightly less wrong like a haberdashery

dylan.f said...

i agree with zach .e that slavery is relevant and they should really do their own chores and stop overworking the natives

Unknown said...

I think that slavery was a bridge America had to cross to make it what it is today. If slavery had not taken place then, it could be an issue in America now. It was cruel and uncivilized, but still contributed to American history.

Unknown said...

I agree with a lot of people how slavery was cruel and not right thinking that they were better than them. And if even though it was cruel if we didn't have slavery our country would be different.

Unknown said...

I defiantly agree with Zach D. our country would not be the way it is today i mean if slavery never existed we might not even had a African American president today so it was a very important ( and horrific) part of U.S. history

Unknown said...

Slavery was definately relevant because slavery was apart of the US country.I also agree with chase why shold people be treated differently by the content of their skin. s i definatly agree.

Unknown said...

Karmyn Hill is Belinda.

Luke S said...

I agree with chase people should have gotton of there rumps, grab a plow NOT a whip, AND WORK YOU DUMB SOUTHERN FARMERS!!!!

Luke S said...

Zach E is right to. Stop different skins from fighting!!!

Thomas M. said...

I thought the way you(mr. veliz) taught us, by showing us was a great idea. I think its relevent just like zachery E. people are still being treated by the color of their skin.

Duncan Sutton said...

I think slavery is very important in our history. And that we need to stop judgeing people the color of their skin. No mader what the skin color we are all created equal.

Logan E said...

I think that slavery is a very bad thing and it impacts our lives greatly. It was not fair to treat these like animals selling people at auctions.

Ryan Payton said...

I agree with Zach D.'s first post. Slavery was an awful thing but if it didn't happen our country would be very different. Either we would still complete slavery or nerver thought of it and become less independent in my mind. Also by it happening people are more self-consious of others. They realize there differences and how they really aren't that bad.

Jasmine said...

I think that everyone here made a good point. Slavery is a very smaeful thing. If it didn't occur i think that our county would me different also. There is deffinitly still some discrimination going around today. I think that slavery wasn't good for our country, only because people are still being mis treated today.